(Available ALL DaY)


ONSite Drive Thru
(2 time SLOTS)

Drive Thru Hours:  Between 8am & 9am, OR between 5pm & 6pm  

It’s “Ash Wednesday” on February 17th this year!  Every Ash Wednesday as Lent begins, we have a tradition where we mark the sign of the cross on our foreheads using ashes. The mark of the cross is the mark of God’s faithfulness and love for us.  We also wear the mark of the cross to show our own desire to be faithful in love to Him.

This year at Malibu Pacific Church we have two options for Ash Wednesday, ONLINE  and  ONSITE. They are both unique!   Here’s what to expect:

For the ONLINE Ash Wednesday experience, you will hear some acoustic worship in song and a special Ash Wednesday meditation, as well as a “virtual” marking of the cross in ashes. Plan for about 12 minutes for this video experience.  It will be available all day long for you on our website and app and will also premiere on YouTube and Facebook at 8am and 5pm.

For our ONSITE Ash Wednesday experience we are doing a Drive Thru this year for those of you who are able to come in person!  It’s a 5 minute experience.  Come in your car and we’ll be waiting in the parking lot to serve you. We'll share the meaning of Ash Wednesday, read some scripture, mark your forehead with ashes in the sign of the cross, and then pray for you before you drive off.  So, if you can drive by the church at some point during either of the time slots listed below we’d love to bless you! And, if you have family members or a friend you’d like to bring, please do so!

For the Ash Wednesday Drive Thru there are two time slots during which you can stop by:
Time 1: between 8am and 9am
Time 2: between 5pm and 6pm  

Whether online or onsite, we look forward to sharing Ash Wednesday with you soon!

Onsite  Drive Thru:
between 8AM & 9AM
between  5PM & 6PM 

Lent Resources

Following Jesus together this lenten season with 40 days of prayer.

"Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests." Ephesians 6:18

What is Lent?
Lent is the 40 day period  in which we prepare to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus at Good Friday and Easter.  Lent is a season in which we typically focus on prayer, reflection, fasting, and repentance. Lent is also about community renewal, repentance and refocusing on God's mission in the world.

When is Lent?
The 40 days (not including Sundays) starting Ash Wednesday, February 17th ending the Saturday before Easter Sunday, April 4.  The 40 day period is symbolic of Jesus'40 days in the wilderness (Matthew 4:2).

Who is Lent for? 
It is for anybody and everybody. You can join in our lenten journey at any point during these next 40 days.

How to Participant in Lent this Year?
1. Commit to pray for 40 days
2. Join us for morning prayer (8am everyday)
3. Grow in prayer using recommended resources
4. Sign up for our weekly newsletter

See below for more details:
Morning Prayer

Daily at 8:00am

10-Minutes of Prayer
February 17 - April 3
On Zoom & Instagram Live

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 960 6175 2671
Passcode: 90265

Instagram Live

10 minutes of prayer includes:
Call to Prayer
Morning Psalm
New Testament Reading
Silent Prayer
The Lord's Prayer

Prayer Resources

To Grow in Prayer

Prayer Newsletter

Weekly Inspiration

Prayer stories, inspiration, resources, and encouragement delivered to your inbox every Monday during Lent.

Fill out this form to receive the weekly newsletter:
Connect With Us During Lent:
Saona Jackson
Director of Adult Ministries